Política de Cookies

PAQUIRO HOSTEL GROUP S.L. may collect information about the browsing habits of website users by means of cookies or log files. Cookies will not be used to collect personal information. They will only be installed if the User remains and continues browsing our website, on the understanding that he/she consents to their use and installation. Below, we provide detailed information on: what cookies are, what type this website uses, how you can disable them in your browser and how to specifically block the installation of third-party cookies.

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Cookies are small text files generated by the web pages that the User visits, which contain session data that may be useful later on in the website. The data allows the website to maintain your information between pages, and also to analyse how you interact with the site.

Cookies are secure in that they can only store information that was put in place by the browser, information that the User would have entered in the browser or information that is included in the page request. They cannot execute code and cannot be used to access the User’s computer.

Cookies are essential for the functioning of the Internet, providing countless advantages in the provision of interactive services, facilitating the navigation and usability of web pages. Cookies cannot damage equipment and the fact that they are activated helps to identify and resolve errors.

Types of cookies

Below, we provide more information so that you can better understand the different types of cookies that can be used:

Session cookies: these are temporary cookies that remain in the browser’s cookie file until the website is abandoned, so none are recorded on the user’s hard drive. The information obtained through these cookies is used to analyse web traffic patterns. In the long run, this makes it possible to provide a better experience to improve the content and facilitate its use.

Permanent cookies: these are stored on the hard drive and the website reads them each time a new visit is made. Despite its name, a permanent website has a specific expiry date. The cookie will stop working after that date. They are generally used to facilitate the different services offered by websites.

Below, we publish a list of the main cookies used on our websites, with a distinction:

– The strictly necessary cookies such as, for example, those that serve for proper navigation or cookies that serve to ensure that the content of the website loads efficiently.

– The third-party cookies such as, for example, those used by social networks, or by external content plug-ins.

– The analytical cookies for periodic maintenance purposes and, in order to guarantee the best possible service to the user, with which the websites collect statistical data on activity.

List and description of cookies

The table below lists in schematic form the cookies described above and used on our website:

Source Name Duration More information
GoogleAnalytics _utma





2 años

30 minutos



6 meses

Centro de privacidad de Google

Complemento de inhabilitación de Google Analytics

Política de privacidad de Google.

Propósito Seguimiento de las visitas realizadas a la web mediante Google Analytics, servicio proporcionado por Google, para obtener información de los accesos de los Usuarios a las páginas web. Los datos son recopilados para posteriores análisis y se refieren a número de veces que un Usuario ha visitado el sitio, fechas de la primera y última visita, duración de las visitas, página desde la que se ha accedido, motor de búsqueda utilizado, lugar del mundo desde el que se accede, etc.
Google NID





6 meses

2 años

2 años

2 años

2 años

Política de privacidad de Google.
Propósito Recopila información sobre preferencias del Usuario para optimizar los servicios prestados por Google (como Maps, Plus).

Gestión de cookies: Garantías complementarias.

Todos los navegadores de Internet permiten limitar el comportamiento de una cookie o desactivar las cookies dentro de la configuración o las opciones del navegador. Los pasos para hacerlo son diferentes para cada navegador, pudiéndose encontrar instrucciones en el menú de ayuda de cada navegador.

Muchos navegadores permiten activar un modo privado mediante el cual las cookies se borran siempre después de la visita. Dependiendo de cada navegador este modo privado, puede tener diferentes nombres. A continuación, se puede encontrar una lista de los navegadores más comunes con un enlace a la configuración de cookies y los diferentes nombres de este “modo privado”:


Esta web utiliza cookies propias para su correcto funcionamiento. Contiene enlaces a sitios web de terceros con políticas de privacidad ajenas que podrás aceptar o no cuando accedas a ellos. Al hacer clic en el botón Aceptar, acepta el uso de estas tecnologías y el procesamiento de tus datos para estos propósitos. Configurar y más información